We invite you to nominate an outstanding Alberta artist for the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta 2025 Distinguished Artist Award

In 2025, we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Distinguished Artist Award. Since its inception in 2005, 26 professional artists and arts collectives have been named and awarded a $30,000 cash prize, a handcrafted gold medal, and a two-week residency at the Banff Centre.

Our esteemed artists include renowned architect Douglas Cardinal; visual artists Alex Janvier, Faye HeavyShield, Jane Ash Poitras, Peter von Tiesenhausen; sculptor Katie Ohe; authors Marilyn Dumont, Aritha Van Herk, Robert Kroetsch and Rudy Wiebe; poet Alice Major; composer John Estacio; puppeteers Ronnie Burkett and Old Trout Puppet Workshop; theatre ensemble One Yellow Rabbit; author and filmmaker Cheryl Foggo; film animators Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis; playwright and director Mieko Ouchi; actor Michelle Thrushand more.

These are amongst the leading artistic visionaries Alberta is noted for – and we know there are so many more deserving of recognition for their artistic vision, and for their commitment to innovation, growth and excellence in their art forms.

Who would you add to the Distinguished Artist Award cohort?

Nominations close March 31, 2025

About the
Governor of
Arts Awards

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation was established in 2003 and its first awards program for Distinguished Artists was launched in 2005. The Emerging Artist Awards program began in 2008.

Since then, 84 Emerging and 26 Distinguished Artists have been recognized with this prestigious award. Recipients span the rich offering of visual, performing, film, design and literary professional arts in the province. These outstanding artists continue to contribute to Alberta’s rich cultural fabric in communities across the province – and across Canada.

The Honourable Salma Lakhani Lieutenant Governor of Alberta


Salma Lakhani is a community leader and volunteer who is guided by her deep commitment to the values of pluralism and inclusion and her dedication to championing those who face barriers in life. Born and raised in Kampala, Uganda, she came to Canada in 1977 as a stateless person after all Ugandans of Asian origin were expelled from that country. She is a proud Ismaili Muslim who has offered longstanding service to a range of organizations, including NorQuest College, the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights, the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, the Aga Khan Foundation Canada, Kids Kottage, Sorrentino’s Compassion House, the Alberta Cancer Board and the Zebra Foundation.

She began her duties as the 19th Lieutenant Governor of Alberta on August 26, 2020. She serves as Patron of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards.


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