On June 4, 2020 ten new Emerging Artists were recognized for their outstanding artistic achievements and contributions with the 2020 Emerging Artist $10,000 cash award.

Since 2008, the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation has recognized 53 outstanding emerging artists; the latest winners were announced via a virtual, video ‘celebration’.

The Honourable Lois E. Mitchell, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, brought greetings and congratulations to the 2020 awardees, and noted that though we couldn’t hold the awards ceremony in person due to Covid-19 restrictions, she is “looking forward to ample opportunities to appreciate your talents one day soon. In many ways, this temporary but dramatic change to our daily lives has served to underscore just how much the arts contribute to our lives.” 

The awards total $100,000 to the 10 recipients. “We are pleased to be able to invest in advancing the careers of these outstanding artists at the early stages of their professional development” says Foundation Chair, Arlene Strom. “Now more than ever, we need artists to help tell and shape our stories – enriching how we see and appreciate one another.”

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta 2020 Emerging Artists are:

  • Kablusiak, visual, multidisciplinary artist, Calgary
  • Amy LeBlanc, writer, Calgary
  • Luc Tellier, theatre, Edmonton
  • Carlos Foggin, music, classical, Calgary
  • Lauren Crazybull, visual, Edmonton
  • Evan Pearce, multi-media, visual, new technology, Edmonton
  • Molly Wreakes, music, French Horn, Edmonton
  • Bruce Cinnamon, writer, Edmonton
  • Tamara Lee-Anne Cardinal, visual, multimedia, Calgary
  • Griffin Cork, theatre and film, Calgary

The 10 recipients were selected from 160 applications in a two-tiered adjudication process overseen by The Banff Centre. The adjudication panel included: Denise Clarke, associate artist, One Yellow Rabbit, 2007 Distinguished Artist awardee;  Adam Fox, Director of Programs, National Music Centre; Lindsey Sharman, curator, Art Gallery of Alberta; Alice Major; writer, poet, 2017 Distinguished Artist awardee.

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