Since graduating with a BFA from the Alberta College of Art + Design in 2007, Tyler Los-Jones has produced objects and images across a range of media including photography, sculpture, handmade books and installations. Keenly aware of ways the system of values favoured by the tourism industry shaped his relationship to his mountain home, he began photographing typical tourist images of the mountains and glaciers found within the Canadian Parks system. These images are then printed as double-sided panoramas, which are curled and folded in response to the geology of the original photograph. The final folded form is re-photographed in the studio and printed flat. This process results in an uncanny image, which reflects the uncertainty of our current ecological crisis. The final folded form is re-photographed in the studio and printed flat. The result is powerful images reflecting the uncertainty of our current ecological crisis, where the effects of human activity register at geologic scales.
Recently, his work has been exhibited at the Art Gallery of Alberta (Edmonton), Jarvis Hall Fine Art (Calgary), and Ditch Projects (Springfield, OR). His public artwork titled held above our heads in stone is currently installed outside the Walter Phillips Gallery at the Banff Centre and will remain on view through August 2016.
© 2025 the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards