The One Yellow Rabbit Ensemble creates at least one new original work each season, which it performs both in its home venue, the Big Secret Theatre in Calgary’s EPCOR Centre for the Performing Arts and on tours.
In recent years, the ensemble has taken its productions to Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Germany, Holland and Belgium.
In addition, they have been such a success at the world’s leading theatre fringe festival – in Edinburgh – that they have been invited back for a total of nine seasons.
In one of those appearances they won a “Scotsman Fringe First Award” for a play they created in collaboration with John Murrell – another Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Award winner.
The ensemble members are Blake Brooker, Denise Clarke, Andy Curtis, Michael Green, Onalea Gilbertson, Richard McDowell and David van Belle.
© 2025 the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards