Lizzie Derksen


“Lizzie has a clear-cut, eyes-wide-open vision. There is a profound and beautiful nuance in her writing that pulls readers in. This voice needs to be heard beyond the province of Alberta.”

– Emerging Artist adjudicators

Lizzie Derksen earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature from MacEwan University in 2016. Her body of written work includes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; she has been published in literary magazines (both print and online), anthologies, arts and culture magazines, newspapers, short story vending machines, and even on t-shirts and coffee sleeves! She received an Alberta Foundation for the Arts individual project grant (2016) for her short film The Cricket; the Edmonton Arts Council individual program grant (2016) for her collection of short stories about a child growing up in a southern Saskatchewan bible college town; and the Gloria Sawai Senior English Prize for her short story “Thrift”. For 2018, she is embarking on the first draft of a full-length novel, seeking representation by an agent, writing her next film, revising an unpublished work, and continuing to submit her film and written work to festivals and publications. The Emerging Artist award adjudicators identified the value of the award as a launch for this writer who they believe holds promise to be a ‘really great novelist/writer’.


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