Bradley Somer holds degrees in archaeology and anthropology and spent many years tromping through the wilds of Canada and the US, the scrub brush of Australia and along the beaches of the Caribbean looking for artifacts to fill in the hidden stories of human prehistory. He now just makes up stories because it’s easier.
His writing has appeared in dozens of literary magazines and anthologies over the past fifteen years. His first novel, Imperfections, was published by Nightwood Editions in Canada. His latest novel, Fishbowl, has been published in many countries and translations around the world, was shortlisted for the Georges Bugnet Award for fiction, and longlisted for the Alberta Readers Choice Awards. Fishbowl has been well reviewed in The Globe and Mail, The Wall Street Journal, Kirkus Reviews, The Toronto Star, Cosmopolitan UK, among others. It was also one of The San Diego Union Tribune’s Best Books of 2015.
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